Green heating, cooling and refrigeration: challenges and opportunities for Italy

Green heating, cooling and refrigeration: challenges and opportunities for Italy

What are the future prospects for Italy in the refrigeration and heating sector?

At the event ‘Riscaldare, Raffrescare e Refrigerare Green: le sfide e le opportunità per l’Italia’ (Green heating, cooling and refrigeration: challenges and opportunities for Italy), held on Monday 10 July at the Fondazione Fenice in Padua, we discussed the challenges and opportunities for Italy with the representatives of various companies active in these sectors. We contributed by examining the following topic: Energy Labelling in commercial refrigeration and potential future incentives, by Mario Penada – Technical Manager at Criocabin.

As a world-leading manufacturer of refrigeration and cooling technologies, this was an important debate for our country to help explore the opportunities and difficulties that lie ahead.

The event was promoted by EcoFuturo Festival, Legambiente Onlus and Unione del Caldo e del Freddo Green.