Criocabin @REFRIGERA 2023 with the UCFG

Criocabin @REFRIGERA 2023 with the UCFG

REFRIGERA 2023 is also an opportunity for updating and training, with a programme of conferences, workshops and training events developed in cooperation with industry associations and research centres.

During this 3-day event in Bologna, we will be participating as members of the Unione del Caldo e del Freddo Green (UCFG – Coalition for Green Heating and Cooling) to talk about the benefits of natural refrigerants in these industries.

The first appointment is on 7 November with the event ‘F-GAS Regulation, what is changing?’. Discussions will focus on the new F-Gas Regulation, which brings Europe back to the forefront of the HVAC&R industries. The topic will include costs and benefits for the entire value chain and for the professionals involved, as well as upcoming changes for Italian companies. From 11.30 am to 1.00 pm, Room B.

The second appointment is scheduled for 9 November from 10.00 am 10.00 to 12.30 pm 12.30, also in Room BHere, the debate will be on ‘The benefits of natural refrigerants in the heating and cooling industry’ with the participation of the journalist Maria Luisa Doldi of Zero Sotto Zero in discussion with the UCFG to dispel any misconceptions about natural refrigerants.

Mario Penada, technical manager of Criocabin, will also take part in the debate, along with representatives of companies in the UCFG group.

To participate, please confirm your presence at the following link.