With UCFG to put sustainability at the heart of the commercial Refrigeration sector in Italy and in Europe

With UCFG to put sustainability at the heart of the commercial Refrigeration sector in Italy and in Europe

Criocabin is a member of the Unione del Caldo e del Freddo Green (Coalition for Green Heating and Cooling), a working group coordinated by Legambiente, and represented by leading Italian companies in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heating sectors. Innovation, Ambition and Precaution are the watchwords guiding this national working group that aims to put sustainability at the centre of these key sectors for our territory and support an ambitious review of the new European F-Gas Regulation (EU 517/2014).


The goals of the UCFG are as follows:

  1. To promote the use of refrigeration, air conditioning, heating and heat pump technologies with low GWP natural gases (5), which are already technically developed, efficient and widely used today. In all applications (also for the maintenance of existing equipment by making leakage control mandatory) we support the use of natural gases, in which field Italy has a competitive edge;
  2. To define a national decarbonisation plan for refrigeration and heating, starting with the reconversion of the oldest and most impactful commercial refrigeration and heating systems, and subsequently in all other sectors of application;
  3. To extend the use of natural gases for refrigeration, air conditioning and heating also to the transport sector (ship, aeroplane and land), since equipment on means of transport (ships/boats, planes, buses, trucks/articulated trucks and trains) often contain quantities of fluorinated greenhouse gases exceeding 5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
  4. To step up tackling illegal trade in F-gases by improving monitoring, and with inspections of responsible authorities and their training with regard to the sustainability of the sector;
  5. The training of technicians and installers in the sector. To support the increasing demand for non-climate-changing refrigerant systems and in view of ambitious EU climate targets, an extraordinary effort in theoretical and practical training is urgently required to increasingly enable technicians to work with natural gases. The future of this strategic sector lies here, exploiting all the scientific and technological innovation that Italy has to offer with leading companies in this sector.